AMADA's latest generation of servo-controlled press brakes, the EGB 6020 ATCe, is equipped with a high-performance electric drive system combined with an Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) and voice command control. These production-enhancing features ensure high-speed bending and repeatable accuracy even if an operator lacks experience.
In addition, a compact, newly-redesigned ATC can precisely load complex tool layouts within minutes-making it the ideal solution for variable lot sizes and the seamless introduction of rush jobs.
In adherence to the primary section of AMADA's Basic Policy on Sustainability, we are committed to treating people and the global environment with respect. We achieve this goal by reducing CO2 emissions, promoting the reduction and reuse of waste, and protecting the global environment, including biodiversity in all processes. We also provide environmentally-friendly products and services through our business activities.
An intelligent AMNC 4ie control allows voice commands to request, change, and verify bend information while the operator is on the moveall as an automatic foot pedal slides to the next bending position to ensure continuous operation
A three-finger backgauge ensures stable positioning of asymmetrical workpieces and simplified positioning.
The backgauge camera connects to the HMI tablet and AMNC 4ie contra/ to ensure correct bend position.
An integrated HMI control tablet is positioned above the tooling bed to provide convenient access to bending data, thereby maximizing efficiency and productivity.
To further boost productivity, Bi-S II automatically measeure and corrects angles up to 85% faster than Bi-S Technology.